
Gretchen has eight socks, two of each color: magenta, cyan, black, and white. She randomly draws four socks. What is the probability that she has exactly one pair of socks with the same color?

 Mar 1, 2018

Best Answer 


Gretchen has eight socks, two of each color: magenta, cyan, black, and white.

She randomly draws four socks.

What is the probability that she has exactly one pair of socks with the same color?


\(\text{Let ${\color{magenta}{m}} = {\color{magenta}{magenta}}$ } \\ \text{Let ${\color{cyan}{c}} = {\color{cyan}{cyan}}$ } \\ \text{Let ${\color{black}{b}} = {\color{black}{black}}$ } \\ \text{Let ${\color{grey}{w}} = {\color{grey}{white}}$ } \)

The Set is\(\{ {\color{magenta}{m_1}},{\color{magenta}{m_2}}, {\color{cyan}{c_1}},{\color{cyan}{c_2}}, {\color{black}{b_1}},{\color{black}{b_2}}, {\color{grey}{w_1}},{\color{grey}{w_2}} \} \)


The number of all the possibilities is \(^8C_4=\dbinom{8}{4} = \mathbf{70 }\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline && \dfrac{ \dbinom{ {\color{magenta}{2} } }{ 2 }\times \left[ \dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{0} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} \right] \\ + \dbinom{ {\color{cyan}{2} } }{ 2 }\times \left[ \dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{0} +\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} +\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} \right] \\ + \dbinom{ {\color{black}{2} } }{ 2 }\times \left[ \dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{0} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} \right] \\ + \dbinom{ {\color{grey}{2} } }{ 2 }\times \left[ \dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{magenta}{2}}{0} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{\color{magenta}{2}}{1} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{magenta}{2}}{1} \right] } {70} \\\\ &=& \dfrac{ 1\times \left[ 2\cdot 2\cdot 1 + 2\cdot 1\cdot 2 + 1\cdot 2\cdot 2 \right] \\ + 1\times \left[ 2\cdot 2\cdot 1 + 2\cdot 1\cdot 2 + 1\cdot 2\cdot 2 \right] \\ + 1\times \left[ 2\cdot 2\cdot 1 + 2\cdot 1\cdot 2 + 1\cdot 2\cdot 2 \right] \\ + 1\times \left[ 2\cdot 2\cdot 1 + 2\cdot 1\cdot 2 + 1\cdot 2\cdot 2 \right] } {70} \\\\ &=& \dfrac{ ( 4+4+4 ) + (4+4+4) + (4+4+4) + (4+4+4) } {70} \\ &=& \dfrac{ 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 } {70} \\ &=& \dfrac{ 4\cdot 12 } {70} \\\\ &=& \dfrac{ 2\cdot 12 } {35} \\\\ &\mathbf{=}&\mathbf{ \dfrac{ 24 } {35} } \\ \hline \end{array}\)


The probability that she has exactly one pair of socks with the same color is \(\mathbf{ \dfrac{ 24 } {35} }\)



 Mar 1, 2018
Best Answer

Gretchen has eight socks, two of each color: magenta, cyan, black, and white.

She randomly draws four socks.

What is the probability that she has exactly one pair of socks with the same color?


\(\text{Let ${\color{magenta}{m}} = {\color{magenta}{magenta}}$ } \\ \text{Let ${\color{cyan}{c}} = {\color{cyan}{cyan}}$ } \\ \text{Let ${\color{black}{b}} = {\color{black}{black}}$ } \\ \text{Let ${\color{grey}{w}} = {\color{grey}{white}}$ } \)

The Set is\(\{ {\color{magenta}{m_1}},{\color{magenta}{m_2}}, {\color{cyan}{c_1}},{\color{cyan}{c_2}}, {\color{black}{b_1}},{\color{black}{b_2}}, {\color{grey}{w_1}},{\color{grey}{w_2}} \} \)


The number of all the possibilities is \(^8C_4=\dbinom{8}{4} = \mathbf{70 }\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline && \dfrac{ \dbinom{ {\color{magenta}{2} } }{ 2 }\times \left[ \dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{0} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} \right] \\ + \dbinom{ {\color{cyan}{2} } }{ 2 }\times \left[ \dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{0} +\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} +\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} \right] \\ + \dbinom{ {\color{black}{2} } }{ 2 }\times \left[ \dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{0} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{{\color{magenta}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{grey}{2}}{1} \right] \\ + \dbinom{ {\color{grey}{2} } }{ 2 }\times \left[ \dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{magenta}{2}}{0} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{\color{magenta}{2}}{1} +\dbinom{{\color{cyan}{2}}}{0}\dbinom{{\color{black}{2}}}{1}\dbinom{\color{magenta}{2}}{1} \right] } {70} \\\\ &=& \dfrac{ 1\times \left[ 2\cdot 2\cdot 1 + 2\cdot 1\cdot 2 + 1\cdot 2\cdot 2 \right] \\ + 1\times \left[ 2\cdot 2\cdot 1 + 2\cdot 1\cdot 2 + 1\cdot 2\cdot 2 \right] \\ + 1\times \left[ 2\cdot 2\cdot 1 + 2\cdot 1\cdot 2 + 1\cdot 2\cdot 2 \right] \\ + 1\times \left[ 2\cdot 2\cdot 1 + 2\cdot 1\cdot 2 + 1\cdot 2\cdot 2 \right] } {70} \\\\ &=& \dfrac{ ( 4+4+4 ) + (4+4+4) + (4+4+4) + (4+4+4) } {70} \\ &=& \dfrac{ 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 } {70} \\ &=& \dfrac{ 4\cdot 12 } {70} \\\\ &=& \dfrac{ 2\cdot 12 } {35} \\\\ &\mathbf{=}&\mathbf{ \dfrac{ 24 } {35} } \\ \hline \end{array}\)


The probability that she has exactly one pair of socks with the same color is \(\mathbf{ \dfrac{ 24 } {35} }\)



heureka Mar 1, 2018

There are 4 possible pairs Gretchen can pick, and (6C2)−3=12 ways for her to pick socks of two other colors. There are (8C4)=70 total ways Gretchan can pick socks, and thus there is a 4⋅12/70 =24/35 probability Gretchen picks exactly 1 pair.

This number might seen large, but considering there is a 2^4/ 70 =8/35 chance of picking no pairs, and a (4C2)/70 =3/35 chance of two pairs, it adds up (to 1).



 Mar 1, 2018

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