
What are the answers i don't understand! find the circumference of a circle if its radius is 9mm? find the circumference of a circle if its radius is 10in? find the circumference of a circle if its diameter is 3 in. find the circumference of a circle if its diameter is 56mm. the diameter of a pizza is 16in. what is the area? find the circumference of a semi-circle if the diameter is 40cm. A dog is leashed to a corner of a house. How much running area does it have if from the corner out is 20ft?

 Feb 23, 2016

Best Answer 


2pi*r is the formula for circumference

I believe pi*r^2 is area

9*2*pi = 56.55 mm

10*2*pi = 62.83 inches

3*2*pi = 18.85 inches

28*2*pi = 175.93 mm

pi*8^2 = 201.06 inches^2

(pi*2*20)/2 = 62.83 cm

So this last one requires some thinking

A corner is 90 degrees 

And the leash can be used as the raduis of a circle. 

So we just have to find 3/4 of the area of this circle

(3(pi*20^2))/4 = 942.48 ft^2

 Feb 23, 2016
Best Answer

2pi*r is the formula for circumference

I believe pi*r^2 is area

9*2*pi = 56.55 mm

10*2*pi = 62.83 inches

3*2*pi = 18.85 inches

28*2*pi = 175.93 mm

pi*8^2 = 201.06 inches^2

(pi*2*20)/2 = 62.83 cm

So this last one requires some thinking

A corner is 90 degrees 

And the leash can be used as the raduis of a circle. 

So we just have to find 3/4 of the area of this circle

(3(pi*20^2))/4 = 942.48 ft^2

SpawnofAngel Feb 23, 2016

Thanks for those answers, Spawn......



cool cool cool

 Feb 23, 2016
edited by CPhill  Feb 23, 2016

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