


Her's the problem : Jeff has an electric bill of $130.50 that is two months overdue. 


1. If the electric company change simple interest at a montly rate of 1.35% for overdue bills, how much interest would he owe ? 

I found: 176,175 = ($130.50 x 0.0135 ) 


2. If the electric company charges simple interest at an annual rate of 14.4% for overdue bills, how much interest would he owe ? 

I found : 225,505 since ( 130,50 x 0,144 x 12 ) 


Let me know guys ! 

Thank you :)

 Sep 20, 2015

You didn't get it quite right:

1-He is charged interest at a rate 1.35% per month. Since his bill is two months in arears, he will have to pay them: $130.5 X .0135=$1.76 for one month X 2=$3.52 for two months. So, in total he will owe them $130.5 + $3.52=$134.02


2-If he doesn't pay it for the whole year, then he gets charged 14.4% interest. If this is compounded annually, then he will owe them:$130.50 X 1.144=$149.29. And that's all. If the interest rate is compounded say, monthly, then he will owe them:$150.58.

 Sep 20, 2015
 Feb 6, 2017
edited by Guest  Feb 6, 2017

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