This is what the equation should look like:
Okay then
2 * 3/5
The 2 would be 2/1 because it needs to ve a fraction so an improper fraction is what you would change it to.
2/1 * 3/5
Yes but you would need to multiply them as fractions not as decimals. So the numerators with the numerators and the denominators with the denominators. So to break it down:
2 * 3
1 *5
This is what the equation looks like so far
2 * 3/5
So to multiply by fraction you must make the 2 into a fraction by making it improper. So it would look like
then multiply the numerators 2 and 3
Then once done with multiplying the numerators multiply the denominators
Well to create a mixed number you must change the improper fraction into a whole number. Since your improper fraction is 6/5 you must make it whole but still could have a left over fraction. If the numerator is greater then the denominator its improper so lets say you had a box and it only fits 5 blocks. But you have 6 blocks right now. That box is your whole number. Meaning if you put 5 blocks into that box you have 1 whole number then what would you be left with?
Exactly so you would put that one block into another box because you cant leave it hanging. So 1 box represents 5 blocks. So you would have 1 whole box which is 1 whole number and 1 block into a whole box which is 5. What mixed numer would that look like?
Um not really. Let me try a different example.
So you already have one whole number since 5/5 is 1. So you have what fraction left over?