Help 8
Add up all the numbers to get the total. Divide the number under the Blue label by this total. Multiply the result by 100 to turn it into a percentage.
736% ?
Show the steps you took to get 736%.
14 + 37 + 22 + 56 + 33 = 162
162 / 22 = 7.363636363 * 100 = 736.363636 but 736%
Am i right or
Not quite! You need to divide 22 by 162, not the other way round!
Ohh um so 13% correct?
You have rounded down. 22/162*100 ≈ 13.58... The .58 is bigger than 1/2 so you need to round up to get 14% to the nearest percent.
wait.. so it's 14...