
Tony drives 20 000 km in a car that has five tires, four of which are in use at any’ one time. Tony rotates the tires so that each tire is used the same number of kilometers. The number of kilometers that each tire is used is?


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 Nov 28, 2021

Each tire is in use 4/5 of the time and at rest 1/5 of the time


4/5 * 20 000 = 16000 km each tire

 Nov 28, 2021

MGoo said on a repost that he does not understand this answer.


At any one time there are 4 tires being used.

Since there are 5 tires in total that means that each tyre must be used 4/5 of the time.   (4 are used out of a possible 5 tyres)


4/5 * 20000 = 16000


Each tyre does 16000 km.

Melody  Nov 30, 2021

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