
1. A cube has a volume of 512 cm3. 1. What is the side length of the cube? Show your work. See page 165 in your textbook. I did the square route of 512 to get 8. 2. What is the area of one face of the cube? Show your work. 3. What is the surface area of the cube? Show your work. See page 176 in your textbook. 4. If the side length of the cube were doubled, what would the new volume be? See page 180 in your textbook.

 Nov 27, 2016

A cube has all sides equal

Volume of a cube is H X W X D    (height     width   depth)

H & W  & D   are all the same


so   H X H X H = 512       H^3 = 512    H = Cuberoot(512) =  8 cm


Area = H x W   = 8 x8 = 64 cm^2


Surface area : there are SIX sides to a cube     so   6  x 64 = 384 cm^2



If side length is doubled to 16    volume = 16 x 16 x 16 =  4096 cm^3         (2x 2 x 2 x 512= 4096)

 Nov 27, 2016

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