
Abby is preparing fruit punch for her party. She starts with a bowl filled with liquid that has 1/2 fruit juice and 1/2 Sprite, but she decides it's too fruity. So she pours out 1/4 of the liquid, and then fills the bowl up again with Sprite. What fraction of the punch is now Sprite?

 Mar 2, 2022

Since we are to end with a fraction (or percentage), we may start with as many ounces as we wish.


Let's assume that there are 100 ounces in the punch bowl. Since one-half of it is fruit juice and 

one-half of it is Sprite:


Sprite = 50 ounces.     Fruit juice = 50 ounces.


One-fourth is poured out; this means that 25 ounces have been poured out; one-half of that is

Sprite and one-half is fruit juice. So, both Sprite and fruit juices lose 12.5 ounces.


Sprite = 37.5 ounces.     Fruit juice = 37.5 ounces.


Now, 25 ounces of Sprite are added.


Sprite = 62.5 ounces.     Fruit juice = 37.5 ounces.     Total  = 100 ounces.


What fraction is Sprite?  62.5 ounces / 100 ounces  =  62.5%  or  5/8ths.

 Mar 2, 2022

After pouring off 1/4 of the fluid  there is 3/4 left     <=== half of this is Sprite or   3/8 ths

                                   then she adds the 1/4      1/4 + 3/8 = 5/8ths is now soda

 Mar 3, 2022

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