Help Me Please.
Degrees: Convert the following to degrees.
Round to 4 places after the decimal.
124(degrees symbol)18'30''
39(degrees symbol)50'35''
124°18' 30"
We can use this "fraction" system....keep the degrees....divide the minutes by 60....divide the seconds by 3600
124 + 18 / 60 + 30/3600 = 124.3083°
Think you can do 2 based on this, Manuel??.....
Ummm..I will try
Sorry, Manuel...I got distracted...I meant to write:
"Keep the degrees....divide the minutes by 60 and the seconds by 3600"
See my corrected answer!!
Here's the second one
39 + 50/60 + 35/ 3600 = 39.8431°
Thank You!