
What is 0.84 as a whole number? Fifth grade answer please! Make it simple!

 Oct 13, 2017


 Oct 13, 2017

0.84 cannot be expressed as a whole number.



 Oct 13, 2017

This did NOT help. Your probobly from a different school so your learning different. I'M IN DIVISON FOR TWO TOPICS.  Hectictar try doing division and you might see (mabey not). And I think it might be 84. And this is NOT an answer.

Guest Oct 13, 2017
edited by Guest  Oct 13, 2017
edited by Guest  Oct 13, 2017

What does your teacher say is a "whole number" ?


I am pretty sure that 0.84 is not a whole number!


0.84  ≠  84


It can be written as a fraction, though.

hectictar  Oct 13, 2017
edited by hectictar  Oct 13, 2017
edited by hectictar  Oct 13, 2017

This thread is a minor example of what a fifth-grader looks like when mommy uses him as a marionette.   Here, mommy manipulates his mouth and speaks in the dimwit dialect of stupid. This is a common language for many, but it’s very difficult to understand and translate into an educational language—such as Standard English.    The irony here is this is incomprehensible unless one grows up with it, and if one grows up with it, it’s very difficult to learn how to translate it.   


Using a Babble translator and my genetically enhanced Chimp brain—with mind reading skills, I have determined a probable translation:


How do you round off fractional numbers to the nearest whole number?

Specifically, how do you round off 0.84 to the nearest whole number?


This is like “Finding Wally.”

 Oct 13, 2017

I believe GA has hit on the correct interpretation.....


0.84   rounds to  1


I'd like to take full credit for this.....but....I actually had to verify it with one of GA's trained chimps.....they're rarely wrong......particularly after a few banana daiquiris......



cool cool cool

 Oct 13, 2017
edited by CPhill  Oct 13, 2017

Here’s one for you.laugh


GingerAle  Oct 13, 2017

We have always known that "you had gone bananas" !!!

Guest Oct 13, 2017

Well, Mr. BB, Bananas are brain food. Didn’t you know?


I have read:

"Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es."

(Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are).

1826--Anthelme Brillat-Savarin


In your case, it’s easy to tell that your dietary staples consist mainly of idiot sandwiches, pork butt-roast, meatballs, and fruitcake.


Tell me, Mr. BB, What is your favorite drink?

I know several banker and Wall Street types – not enough to do a true statistic, but most of the older ones drink Scotch (usually single malt), or well-aged bourbons.   So what is it for you? I mean what was it back when you could chose something other than bathtub gin?

GingerAle  Oct 13, 2017

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