Help Me please.
Convert 13(degrees symbol)17'50'' to a decimal degree rounded to the thousandths place.
13 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds
We don't need to worry about the degree conversion..we need to convert the minutes and seconds to decimal degrees
There are 60 minutes to each degree so we can express this as 17/60 degrees
And there are 3600 seconds in each degree so we can express this as 50/3600 degrees
So...adding D, M ,S in terms of degrees, we have...
D + M + S =
13° + 17/60° + 50/3600° =
13.297222° = 13.297° (rounded)
BTW,'s an app where you can check these conversions :
However....if you use this fractional adding procedure shouldn't have much trouble on these!!!