order from least to greatest the cubic root of 8, 9/4, the square root of 5, and 2.7
 Nov 22, 2013
The cubic root of 8 is just asking what number multiplied by itself 3 times will give you 8; it happens to be 2.
9/4 is just an"improper" fraction. As a mixed number it equals 2 and 1/4 or just 2.25.
The square root of 5 is asking what number times itself gives you five. There is not exact number but it happens to be in between 2 and 3, closer to 2. Lets call it 2.23 ish
And 2.7 is 2.7
So from least to greatest the numbers go: 2, 2.23, 2.25, 2.7 (aka cube root of 8, square root of 5, 9/4, 2.7)
 Nov 29, 2013

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