

 Sep 29, 2016

Best Answer 


I think the other guest is wrong. the first set of parenthesis isn't that important because it isn't being multiplied by the -1. When looking at the problem you will see you have a quantity (158+326) minus another quantity (428+x). Another way to write out the problem is 29=158+326 + (-1)(428+x) becuase you are trying to subtract the quantity you need to distribute that -1 into your second parenthesis.


Here is an example and I know another word problem but bare with me cause I don't want you getting messed up for life because you can't figure this out.


You got 100 dollars for selling a TV, you got another 100 dollars for selling a game console. You owe two of your friends 25 dollars and 75 dollars.

If you write that out you get (100+100)-(25+75)=100.

If you neglect that minus sign infront of the parenthesis you will ask your friend for money when you owe them money and you will no longer have any friends.

So back to the problem when you simplify it by distributing that minus sign you will get:



 Sep 29, 2016
edited by Guest  Sep 29, 2016

Fist of all get rid of paranthesis because oll of your operations are either addition or subtraction. 29=158+326-428+x. To solve for x you need to make it be alone on one side of the equal mark, so you get rid of other terms by flipping them (multiplying them by -1 and adding to both sides). 29-158=158-158+326-428+x, -129=326-428+x.

-129-326=326-326-428+x, -455=-428+x, -455+428=-428+428+x, -27=x. Therefore x=-27 which is solution to 29=(158+326)-(428+x).

 Sep 29, 2016
Best Answer

I think the other guest is wrong. the first set of parenthesis isn't that important because it isn't being multiplied by the -1. When looking at the problem you will see you have a quantity (158+326) minus another quantity (428+x). Another way to write out the problem is 29=158+326 + (-1)(428+x) becuase you are trying to subtract the quantity you need to distribute that -1 into your second parenthesis.


Here is an example and I know another word problem but bare with me cause I don't want you getting messed up for life because you can't figure this out.


You got 100 dollars for selling a TV, you got another 100 dollars for selling a game console. You owe two of your friends 25 dollars and 75 dollars.

If you write that out you get (100+100)-(25+75)=100.

If you neglect that minus sign infront of the parenthesis you will ask your friend for money when you owe them money and you will no longer have any friends.

So back to the problem when you simplify it by distributing that minus sign you will get:



Guest Sep 29, 2016
edited by Guest  Sep 29, 2016

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