
Dak got a job selling glow sticks at the local art festival. He is paid a fixed amount of $440 per week plus $0.77 per item sold. This is represented by the equation P = 0.77 n + 440 where P is the amount he is paid for the week and n is the number of glow sticks he sold. How much will Dak be paid if he sells 350 glow sticks?

If Dak sells 350 glow sticks, he will earn $ for the week. How many glow sticks did Dak sell if he earned $1,032.90? If Dak has earned $1,032.90, he sold glow sticks.

 Aug 24, 2022
edited by Guest  Aug 24, 2022

 P = 0.77 n + 440 

Just sub 350 for n in your equation

P=0.77 * 350  +  440

P = 269.50  +  440

P = $709.50 - what he earned in that week


P = 0.77n  +  440

1,032.90 = 0.77 n  +  440

1032.90 - 440 = 0.77n

592.90 = 0.77n

n = 592.90 / 0.77

n = 770 - glow sticks he sold when he earned $1,032.90

 Aug 25, 2022

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