
A positive integer is called terrific if it has exactly $10$ positive divisors. What is the smallest number of primes that could divide a terrific positive integer?

 Jul 18, 2024

Best Answer 


Let's look at the number 512. 

We know that \(512 = 2^9\), which means it has 10 divisors. 
Since it's divisble by 2 and two is the smallest prime, 


our final answer is 2. 


Thanks! :)

 Jul 18, 2024
edited by NotThatSmart  Jul 18, 2024
Best Answer

Let's look at the number 512. 

We know that \(512 = 2^9\), which means it has 10 divisors. 
Since it's divisble by 2 and two is the smallest prime, 


our final answer is 2. 


Thanks! :)

NotThatSmart Jul 18, 2024
edited by NotThatSmart  Jul 18, 2024

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