prove that
how many real roots
From the definition of logarithm, we obtain:
The equation can therefore be written in the form:
from which the desired conclusion immediately follows.
First, if \(\sin{x}=\log{x},\) then \(x\le10\) (inasmuch as \(\sin{x}\le1\).
Since \(2\cdot2\pi>10\), the interval on the x-axis between x = 0 and x = 10 contains one complete period of the sine curve plug part of a second period. The graph of \(\log{x} \) intersects the first wave of the sine curve at precisely one point. Futher, since \(2\Pi+\frac{\Pi}{2}<10\), than at the point \(x=\frac{5\Pi}{2}\), we have \(\sin{x=1}>\log{x}\), which means that the graph of log x intersects the first half of the second positive wave of sin x. Since, at \(x=10, \log{x=1}>\sin{x}, \) the graph intersect this second wave another time. Therefore we conclude that the equation \(\sin{x}=\log{x},\) has exactly three roots.
Wow! I haven't done these in SO long! Thanks for bringing me back to the more beautiful realm of mathematics.
I hope this helped,
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