
The triangles RST and XYZ are congruent. Points P and W lie on ST and YZ, respectively. Which of the following statements are true?

A) If P is the midpoint of line ST and W is the midpoint of line YZ then triangle RSP is congruent to triangle XYW.
B) If line RP bisects angle SRT and line XW bisects angle YXZ, then triangle RSP is congruent to triangle XYW.
C) If RP=XW, then triangle RSP is congruent to triangle XYW.
D) If line RP is perpendicular to line ST and line XW is perpendicular to line YZ, then triangle RSP is congruent to triangle XYW.

 Sep 16, 2021

Try drawing out the two triangles out and testing each of the cases to see if they're true. 

Remember that angle R = angle X, angle S = angle Y, and angle T = angle Z. 



 Sep 17, 2021

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