
The strength of a bar magnet's magnetic field decreases with distance according to what is known as an inverse cube law; multiplying the distance from the magnet by a factor of k divides the magnetic field strength by a factor of \(k^3\)  .Suppose the magnetic field strength of the magnet is 64 Gauss at a distance of 10cm away. What is the magnetic field strength of the magnet, 20cm away?

 Jul 14, 2017

Since the strength of the magnet decreases as the inverse cube of the distance, therefore:

64 x 1/(20/10)^3 =

64 x 1/2^3 =

64 x 1/8 =8 gauss - the strength of the magnet at 20 cm.

 Jul 14, 2017
edited by Guest  Jul 14, 2017

At  2 times the distance   it's  1/(2)^3    = 1/8 of the strength   which is   8


At 3 times the distance it would be 1/(3^3)


and at 4 times the distance it would be 1/(4^3)     and so on.

 Jul 14, 2017

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