
All of the members of our spray-painting team paint at the same speed. If 8 team members can paint a certain wall in 36 minutes, then how many minutes would it take 12 of our team members to paint the same wall?


i already tried this problem multiple times and i kept getting it wrong :(( 

 Mar 14, 2020

1 wall / 8 m 36 min =    1   w/  288 m- min


1 w  /  288 m - min    x  12 m =   1 w /24 min          24 minutes

 Mar 14, 2020

ahh thanks !! could you also help me on these two?


- All of the members of our spray-painting team paint at the same speed. If 20 team members can paint a 6000 square foot wall in 24 minutes, then how many minutes would it take the 20 members to paint an 8000 square foot wall?


-  All of the members of our spray-painting team paint at the same speed. If 20 team members can paint a 4800 square foot wall in 36 minutes, then how many minutes would it take for 9 team members to paint a 3600 square foot wall?

Guest Mar 14, 2020



- All of the members of our spray-painting team paint at the same speed. If 20 team members can paint a 6000 square foot wall in 24 minutes, then how many minutes would it take the 20 members to paint an 8000 square foot wall?


6000 ft^2 / 20 m 24 min = 12.5  ft^2 / m-min


12.5  ft^2 / m-min    *  20 / 8000 ft^2 =    .03125 / min    = 32 min





or another way


24 min / ( 6000 ft^2 - 20)     *    20 m * 8000 ft^2  =  32 min


You try the last one....just remember you have to get the units to cancel out and leave what you are looking for...this will dtermine whenther to divide or multiply by the parameters.....

ElectricPavlov  Mar 14, 2020

i got it! thanks electricpavlov! :D

Guest Mar 14, 2020

You are welcome !   cheeky

ElectricPavlov  Mar 14, 2020

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