A year N is a leap year if N is a multiple of 4, except when N is a multiple of 100,except when N is a multiple of 400. Based on this description, how many leap years are there between year 2018 and year 3018?
The first one divisible by 4 after 2018 is 2020
The last one divisible by 4 before 3018 is 3016
So.....the number of years divisible by 4 = ( 3016 - 2020) / 4 + 1 = 249 + 1 = 250
However......years ending in 00 that are not multiples of 400 are not leap years
2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600,2700, 2900 and 3000 are not leap years = 8
So....the number of leap years between 2018 and 3018 = 250 - 8 = 242