
A guy wire is a cable used to restrain objects from moving. They are used to support towers or poles.

A guy wire is attached to a cell tower. The 45-foot long guy wire is attached to a tower such that the angle formed by the ground and the wire measures 32°. The guy wire is replaced by a guy wire 100 feet long. The point at which the new guy wire attaches to the tower is the same as it was with the original wire.

What is the approximate measure of the angle formed by this new guy wire and the ground?

 May 5, 2020

A guy wire runs from the top of a cell tower to a metal stake in the ground. Malika places a 12-foot tall pole to support the guy wire. After placing the pole, Malika measures the distance from the stake to the pole to be 5 ft. She then measures the distance from the pole to the tower to be 23 ft. Find the length of the guy wire, to the nearest foot.

 May 15, 2021

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