

If a colony were to be established on Europa, how long would it take to travel there and what should be the maximum age of the colonists on departure from Earth?


Steps to help you solve the problem

  • Write a general formula to calculate distance given speed and time
  • Calculate the maximum and minimum distances from Earth to Europa in metres. Express your answer in metres using scientific notation.
  • Write a formula to calculate time given distance and speed.
  • Calculate the time taken for the space craft to travel from the Earth to Europa.
  • Express your answer in hours and in years.
  • If a colonist was 21 years old when they departed Earth, how old would they be when they arrived at Europa? What could be the maximum age of a prospective colonist?
  • Assume there are 365 days in a year

Useful information

  • The distance from Earth to Europa is between 33 to 54 minutes at the speed of light.
  • The speed of light is approximately 300 000 000 m/sec
  • A space craft travels at 9200 m/sec.
 Jun 9, 2016

9200 m/s * x = 300 000 000 m/s

   y mins /  x = 43 mins ( estimate for roughly 54 and 33)


x= (300 000 000m/s<) / (9200 M/s)


y mins =43 mins * (X or 32608.7)

y mins = 1402174


now minutes to years 

1402174mins / 60 /24 / 365= roughly 2.75

60 for mins in hrs 24 for hrs in days and 365 for days in yr


you would be 21yrs + 2,75 yrs = 23,75 yrs old when you arrive



this is only half the solution hahah sry

 Jun 9, 2016

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