
Right triangle XYZ has legs of length XY = 12 and YZ = 6. Point D is chosen at random within the triangle XYZ. What is the probability that the area of triangle XYD is at most 24?

 Apr 27, 2023

The area of triangle XYD is at most 24 if and only if the height of triangle XYD is at most 2. The height of triangle XYD is at most 2 if and only if point D is within the shaded region below:

[asy] unitsize(1 cm);

pair X, Y, Z, D;

X = (0,0); Y = (12,0); Z = (6,6sqrt(3)); D = (6,3sqrt(3));

draw(X--Y--Z--X); draw(rightanglemark(X,Y,D,10)); draw(rightanglemark(Y,D,Z,10)); draw(X--D); draw(D--Y);

label("X", X, SW); label("Y", Y, NE); label("Z", Z, NW); label("D", D, S); [/asy]

The shaded region is a right triangle with legs of length 6 and 3, so its area is 1/2(6)(3)=9. Therefore, the probability that the area of triangle XYD is at most 24 is 9/12 = 3/4​​.

 Apr 27, 2023

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