
Find the area of the composite figure.


 Sep 17, 2020

The two larger semicircles make one full circle with a diameter of 16 cm.

The two smaller semicircles make one full circle with a diameter of 8 cm.


So altogether we have a rectangle, a larger circle, and a smaller circle.

The total area is the sum of the areas of these three shapes.

So let's work on finding the area of each shape.


(Note that all areas will be in square cm)


area of larger circle   =   π ( radius )2   =   π ( 16 / 2  )2   =   π (  8  )2   =   64π


area of smaller circle   =   π ( radius )2   =   ...   (Can you finish this part? )


area of rectangle   =   length * height   =   16 * 8   =   128


Then add the three areas together to find the total area.


total area   =   area of rectangle  +  area of larger circle  +  area of smaller circle


total area   =   128   +   64π   +   ...   =   ?

 Sep 17, 2020

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