
In a store window, there was a box of berries having a total weight of 200 kg.  The berries were 99% water, by weight.  After two days in the sun, the water content of the berries was only 90%, by weight.  What was the total weight of the berries after two days, in kg?

 Jun 8, 2023

 What was the total weight of the berries after two days, in kg?


Hello Guest!


\(m_b:1\%=200kg:100\%\\ \underline{m_b=2kg}\\ x:m_b=100\%:10\%\\ x:2kg=100\%:10\%\\ \color{blue}x=20kg \)

20kg was the total weight of the berries after two days.

laugh  !

 Jun 8, 2023

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