
Find the number of positive integers that satisfy both the following conditions:

Each digit is a 1 or a 2

The sum of the digits is 10

 Feb 12, 2023

If we have a number with all 1s, the maximum number of digits we can have is 5, as 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5. If we have a number with all 2s, the maximum number of digits we can have is 5, as 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 10. If we have a mix of 1s and 2s, the maximum number of digits we can have is 4, as 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 7.


Let's list out the possibilities:


Case 1: All 1s The number of possibilities here is the number of ways to choose 5 digits out of 5 digits, which is C(5, 5) = 1.


Case 2: All 2s The number of possibilities here is the number of ways to choose 5 digits out of 5 digits, which is C(5, 5) = 1.


Case 3: Mix of 1s and 2s The number of possibilities here is the sum of the number of ways to choose i digits out of 4 digits, where i ranges from 1 to 4, inclusive. That is, C(4, 1) + C(4, 2) + C(4, 3) + C(4, 4) = 4 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 15


Adding up the number of possibilities in each case, we have 1 + 1 + 15 = 17. Therefore, there are 17 positive integers that satisfy both conditions.

 Feb 12, 2023

hmm, it seems that the answer was incorrect, but your reasoning seems fine to me. I'm not sure what went wrong.

Guest Feb 12, 2023

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