
The diagonals of a trapezoid are perpendicular and have lengths 8 and 10. Find the length of the median of the trapezoid.

 Feb 2, 2017

Best Answer 


P.S.  ......I'd never figure out how you did this...but...it should be worth more than 5 points....!!!




cool cool cool

 Feb 4, 2017

Hi Guest,  

CPhill (Chris) asked me to take a look at this question.  The answer is not obvious to either of us, I am sure there is an easy way to do it but that it not the way I do things LOL


Chris asked me if I could draw a picture because niether us us were convinced that there was one single answer.


The diagonals of a trapezoid are perpendicular and have lengths 8 and 10. Find the length of the median of the trapezoid.


One of the problems here is that trapezoid has different meanings in different countries but I have taken a trapezoid to be a quadrilateral with 2 parallel sides.  (In Australia we call this a trapezium)


I have drawn it using desmos graphing calculator

The diagonals are in red.  I have fixed the 8 unit diagonal and allowed the 10unit diagonal to take different positions.


This is the movable graph:  




You can move the slider b to see all the different possible trapeziums that can be formed. 

The black line is the median (half way between the two parallel lines.)

When you slide the b slider you can see that althought the trapezium changes shape the median appears to stay the same length.

I ran the distance formula though Wolfram|Alpha it says the distance of the median is always 6.40312 units


Wolfram Alpha calculation of the length


I have not shown you all my calculations although some are displayed in the Desmos formula list.

Anyway, like I said, I am sure there is a much easier way to get the answer. :// 


Here is a pic but it is much better to look at the adjustable version in the link above.


 Feb 4, 2017

Neat, Melody....that was a lot of work.....!!!!




cool cool cool

 Feb 4, 2017

Thanks Chris,

Yes, took forever but I can use Desmos a little better now :))

It is fun drawing these pics and this one was a bit of a challenge.


I tried to come up with that distance without Wolfram|alpha but I couldn't get the numbers to fall out.  

I guess I was doing something wrong....... :(

Melody  Feb 4, 2017
Best Answer

P.S.  ......I'd never figure out how you did this...but...it should be worth more than 5 points....!!!




cool cool cool

CPhill Feb 4, 2017

Don't you play with Desmos?  It is not that hard and it is fun making these diagrams.

I think Geogebra is harder, it is less intuitive especially when you are new at it.   :/

Melody  Feb 4, 2017

Thanks for the points :))

Melody  Feb 4, 2017

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