5. The next palindrome after 45954, is 46064, by calculating.
So, in 2 hours the car traveled 46064-45954=110 miles.
Once we commonize the denominator, we achieve:
Since, the problem gives us the numerical value:
we just need to solve for:
Since \(\tan{x}\) and \( \cot{x}\) are recipricals, \(\tan{x}\) is opposite over adjacent and \( \cot{x}\) is adjacent over opposite, their product is equal to 1.
So our final expression becomes:
\(\frac{\frac{144}{25}}{1}\) , you can simplify.
I hope this helped,
y is only an integer when \(x\sqrt2\) is an integer.
If x is an integer, \(x\sqrt2\), is only an integer when x = 0.
Therefore, there is only one lattice points on the graph.
Here is the line:https://www.desmos.com/calculator/mmw7vprxhx
The one lattice point is: (0, -1)
I hope this helped,