
At a given point in its orbit, the moon is 2.4 x 10^5 miles from earth. How long does it take light from a source on earth to reach a reflector on the moon and then return to earth? (speed of light is 3.0 x 10^8 m/s) in dimensional analysis please help me

 Dec 13, 2022

Time ==Distance / speed


[2.4  x  10^5] x 2 ==4.8  x  10^5 miles - distance from Earth to Moon AND back


1 mile ==1,609344 km


4.8  x  10^4 miles  x  1.609344 km==772,485.12 km - distance from Earth to moon AND back.


1 km ==1,000 meters


772,485.12 km  x  1,000 m ==772,485,120 meters - distance from Earth to moon ANd back.


772,485,120 / [3  x  10^8] ==2.5749504 seconds - time it takes light to go from Earth to Moon AND back.

 Dec 13, 2022

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