
1. Let z be a complex number such that |z - 12| + |z - 5i| = 13. Find the smallest possible value of |z|.


2. If n is the smallest positive integer for which there exist positive real numbers a and b such that (a + bi)^n = (a - bi)^n, compute b/a.


For the first one, I am confused about which solutions to keep and which to not, since there are many when you take off the absolute values. 


Any help is appreciated! 

 Mar 22, 2019

For 1. note that \(|z| = |a+ib|=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}\)


For 2. 

 Mar 22, 2019

Your help is very appreciated! Thank you for taking the time to help.

Guest Mar 23, 2019

Let z be a complex number such that \(|z - 12| + |z - 5i| = 13\).
Find the smallest possible value of \(|z|\).


\(\text{Let $z=a+bi$ } \\ \text{Let $|z|=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$ } \)

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline z - 12 &=& a+bi - 12 \\ &=&(a-12) +bi \\ |z-12| &=& \sqrt{(a-12)^2+b^2 } \\ \hline z - 5i &=& a+bi - 5i \\ &=& a + (b-5)i \\ |z - 5i| &=& \sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \mathbf{|z - 12| + |z - 5i|} & \mathbf{=}& \mathbf{13} \\\\ \sqrt{(a-12)^2+b^2 } + \sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2} &=& 13 \\ \sqrt{(a-12)^2+b^2 } &=& 13- \sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2} \quad | \quad \text{square both sides} \\ (a-12)^2+b^2 &=& \left( 13- \sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2} \right)^2 \\ (a-12)^2+b^2 &=& 13^2-26\sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2}+ a^2+(b-5)^2 \\ 26\sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2} &=& 13^2+ a^2+(b-5)^2-(a-12)^2-b^2 \\ 26\sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2} &=& 13^2+ a^2+b^2-10b+25-b^2-a^2+24a-12^2 \\ 26\sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2} &=& 13^2+ -10b+25+24a-12^2 \quad | \quad 13^2-12^2 = 5^2=25 \\ 26\sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2} &=& 50 -10b +24a \quad | \quad : 2 \\ 13\sqrt{a^2+(b-5)^2} &=& 25 -5b +12a \quad | \quad \text{square both sides} \\ 13^2\left(a^2+(b-5)^2\right) &=& (25-5b+12a)^2 \\ 13^2\left(a^2+(b-5)^2\right) &=& 25^2+25b^2+12^2a^2-250b+24\cdot 25a-120ab \\ 13^2a^2+13^2(b-5)^2 &=& 25^2+25b^2+12^2a^2-250b+24\cdot 25a-120ab \\ 13^2a^2+13^2(b^2-10b+25) &=& 25^2+25b^2+12^2a^2-250b+24\cdot 25a-120ab \\ 13^2a^2+13^2b^2-13^2\cdot 10b+13^2\cdot 25 &=& 25^2+25b^2+12^2a^2-250b+24\cdot 25a-120ab \\ (13^2-12^2)a^2+(13^2-5^2)b^2+13^2\cdot 25 &=& (13^2\cdot 10-250)b+600a-120ab+25^2-13^2\cdot 25 \\ 5^2a^2+12^2b^2&=& 1440b+600a-120ab-3600 \\ (5^2a^2+120ab+12^2b^2) &=& 120(5a+12b)-3600 \\ (5a+12b)^2 &=& 120(5a+12b)-3600 \\ \hline \end{array} \)

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline (5a+12b)^2 &=& 120(5a+12b)-3600 \\ (5a+12b)^2 -120(5a+12b)+3600 &=& 0 \\\\ 5a+12b &=& \dfrac{120\pm \sqrt{120^2-4\cdot 3600}}{2} \\ 5a+12b &=& \dfrac{120\pm 0}{2} \\ 5a+12b &=& \dfrac{120}{2} \\ \mathbf{ 5a+12b } &\mathbf{=}& \mathbf{60} \quad \text{this is a line!!! }\\ \text{or}\quad b&=&5-\dfrac{5}{12}a \\ \hline \end{array} \)


The normal vector of this line \(5a+12b-60=0\), perpendicular to the line is \(\vec{n}=\dbinom{5}{12}\)

\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline \vec{n_0} &=& \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{5^2+12^2}} \dbinom{5}{12} \\\\ &=& \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{13^2}} \dbinom{5}{12} \\\\ &=& \dfrac{1}{13} \dbinom{5}{12} \\\\ &=& \begin{pmatrix} \dfrac{5}{13}\\ \dfrac{12}{13} \end{pmatrix} \\\\ |z|_{\text{min}} &=& \dbinom{0}{5}\cdot \begin{pmatrix} \dfrac{5}{13}\\ \dfrac{12}{13} \end{pmatrix} \\ &=& 0\cdot\dfrac{5}{13}+5\cdot \dfrac{12}{13} \\\\ & = & \dfrac{5\cdot 12}{13} \\\\ & = & \dfrac{60}{13} \\\\ \mathbf{ |z|_{\text{min}} } & \mathbf{=} & \mathbf{4.61538461538} \\ \hline \end{array}\)


The smallest possible value of |z| is 4.61538461538



 Mar 22, 2019

Thank you very much for your help and work, especially the thorough solution!

Guest Mar 23, 2019

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