

Hey? Could someone guide me through how to do this please? 


 Feb 1, 2016

Best Answer 


We can find the resultant by summing the vector components.....


For the vector pointing "south," the x component is 0 and the y component =     3sin(270)  = 3*(-1)  = -3


For the one with the magnitude of 7  at 150 degrees, we have


7cos150   =  7*-sqrt(3)/2     = - (7/2)sqrt (3)   as the x component   and


7sin150  = 7*(1/2)  =  7/2     as the y component


The sum of the x components   = -(7/2)sqrt(3)


And the sum of the y components  =  -3 + 7/2 =  1/2


The resulting magnitude is given by :


sqrt [ (-7sqrt(3)/2)^2  + (1/2)^2 )  = sqrt(37)  = about 6.083


And the direction is given by:


arctan  [ (1/2) / (-(7sqrt(3)/2)]  =  about -4.715° + 180  = about 175.28° ........this has to be so  because the sum of the x components are negative and the sum of the y components are positive.....thus....this must be a 2nd quadrant angle


So......the resultant vector  = 6.083<175.28°  = (C) seems to come closest to this




cool cool cool

 Feb 1, 2016
edited by CPhill  Feb 1, 2016
Best Answer

We can find the resultant by summing the vector components.....


For the vector pointing "south," the x component is 0 and the y component =     3sin(270)  = 3*(-1)  = -3


For the one with the magnitude of 7  at 150 degrees, we have


7cos150   =  7*-sqrt(3)/2     = - (7/2)sqrt (3)   as the x component   and


7sin150  = 7*(1/2)  =  7/2     as the y component


The sum of the x components   = -(7/2)sqrt(3)


And the sum of the y components  =  -3 + 7/2 =  1/2


The resulting magnitude is given by :


sqrt [ (-7sqrt(3)/2)^2  + (1/2)^2 )  = sqrt(37)  = about 6.083


And the direction is given by:


arctan  [ (1/2) / (-(7sqrt(3)/2)]  =  about -4.715° + 180  = about 175.28° ........this has to be so  because the sum of the x components are negative and the sum of the y components are positive.....thus....this must be a 2nd quadrant angle


So......the resultant vector  = 6.083<175.28°  = (C) seems to come closest to this




cool cool cool

CPhill Feb 1, 2016
edited by CPhill  Feb 1, 2016

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