The velocity of a vehicle is 10mph.......what is the distance is the vehicle goes up a mountain about 40ft high then drops to the ocean?

My brother asks this question :p Not me.

Translated using Bing Translator (Spanish to English)
 Dec 3, 2013
Well if the vehicle goes up the mountain that high then drops to the ocean it would k**l everyone inside changing the velocity? Because the car or whatever doesn't drive itself, someone has to be in the car that gives the velocity that amount of weight times the miles it drives or a the speed it goes, then inclines up a mountain which doesn't really do anything. Sorry but this question is out of the answer haha and your brother how old is he..? :p :p
 Dec 3, 2013
Hi Rosey,
The translation did not make a lot of sense.
Did you mean:
A cliff is 40 feet high.
A car drives off the top of the cliff at 10 miles per hour.
How far from the base of the cliff will the car land?

Bing Translation

Hola Rosey,
La traducción no hizo mucho sentido.
¿Quisiste decir:
Un acantilado es de 40 pies de alto.
Un coche conduce a la cima del acantilado a 10 millas por hora.
¿Qué tan lejos de la base del acantilado el coche aterrizará?
 Dec 4, 2013
Yes thank you. I am sorry for the confusion, it's because that's how my brother wrote it then said his teacher wrote it the same way so I was confused myself as well. Thank you though melody
 Dec 5, 2013
This is a very difficult question Rosey, I am wondering why your brother didn't ask it for himself.
I am thinking that he is just curious and that it isn't really a school question.
You have to use calculus to answer this question.
I will run through the working for you and your brother.
First i will assume that the car is travelling horizontally when it comes off the top of the cliff.
So it's vertical velocity (speed) is 0
It's horizontal velocity is 10 miles per hour = 44/3 feet/second

Now there are 5280 feet in a mile
Gravity will make the car accelerate as it falls
Gravity = 32.176 feet/second 2

So what you have to do is work out how long it will take the car to fall to the water.
After doing lots of calculations I got 1.5768 seconds ( approximately)
Now, how far will the car travel horizontally in this amoount of time.
44/3 feet/second * 1.5768 = 23 feet approximately.

If your brother has done some calculus and wants more help with the mathematics then he or you can post again and I will try to help more.
Espero que esta traducción de Bing tiene sentido.

Esta es una pregunta muy difícil Rosey, me pregunto por qué tu hermano no pedirlo mismo.
Estoy pensando que es sólo por curiosidad y que no es realmente una cuestión de escuela.
Tienes que usar cálculo para responder a esta pregunta.
Correré a través del trabajo para ti y para tu hermano.
Primero voy a suponer que el auto está viajando horizontalmente cuando se trata de la parte superior del acantilado.
Así es vertical velocity (velocidad) es 0
Su velocidad horizontal es 10 millas por hora = 44/3 pies/segundo

Ahora hay 5280 pies en una milla
Gravedad hará que el coche acelera como cataratas
Gravedad = 32,176 pies/segundo [sup] 2 [primera]

Así que lo que tienes que hacer es resolver Cuánto tiempo tardará el coche al caer al agua.
Después de hacer un montón de cálculos tengo 1,5768 segundos (aproximadamente)
Ahora, qué tan lejos el coche viajará horizontalmente en este amoount del tiempo.
44/3 pies / segundo * 1.5768 = 23 metros aproximadamente.

Si tu hermano ha hecho algunos cálculos y quiere más ayuda con las matemáticas entonces él o publique otra vez y voy a intentar ayudar más.
 Dec 6, 2013
why does the guy in the car care about this maths problem when he literally kills himself by drowning?
 Dec 8, 2013
Now that is a good question. I don't know.

Maybe he didn't die and he wants to know how far he has to swim to get to the bottom of the cliff.

Maybe he is like me and just wants to work it out because it is fun!
 Dec 8, 2013
Jaja you guy's are so funny and thank you for the answer <3 My appreciations to you

Translated using Bing Translator (Spanish to English)
 Dec 9, 2013
man your brother must be retarded
 Dec 9, 2013
quick name:

man your brother must be retarded

funny is my middle name exept with the F U
 Dec 9, 2013
and ou're a stupid fucktard who needs to get the tampon out of their a*s and quit harassing people
 Dec 9, 2013

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