
On a summer day in Cape Cod, the depth of the water at a dock was 4ft at low tide at 2:00 AM. At high tide 5 hours later, the heist of the water at the dock rose to 14 feet. Write a cosine function to model the height of the water at the dock x hours after the day began at midnight?

 Feb 10, 2020

We will  have an equation of this form


Height  = A cos ( Bx  + C)  + D


A  =  the amplitude  =   [ 14 - 4 ] / 2  =  5


The period =  10 hrs....so   10  =  2pi / B   ⇒ B  = 2pi/10 =  pi/5


D  is the  midline   =  [ 14 + 4 ] /2  =  18 /2   = 9


C  is the phase shift  and is a little tough to figure


At 2AM,   x  = 2,  the height is  4 ft.....so we need to solve this


4  =  5 cos ( pi/5 * 2 +  C )  +  9     subtract  9 from both sides


-5  = 5 cos ( 2pi/5 + C)     divide both sides  by  5


-1  = cos  (2pi/5 + C)         we  need to take the  arccos


arccos (-1)  =  2pi/5 +C


pi  = 2pi/5  + C


C  =  pi - 2pi/5 = [  5pi  -2pi] / 5  =  3pi/5  


So....the function is


Height =  5cos [ ( pi /5) x    + 3pi/5 )  +  9


Here's the graph  : https://www.desmos.com/calculator/igberusuwx



cool cool cool

 Feb 10, 2020
edited by CPhill  Feb 11, 2020


amplitude   (14 -4 ft) /2 = 5

5 cos

period  10 hours     2pi/10 = pi/5

5 cos (pi/5  x) 

Shifted 7 hours right        -7 will shift it right


5  cos  (pi/5(x  - 7))   

Midline is at 9   ( the graph is shifted up 9)


5 cos (pi/5 (x-7)) +9 

 Feb 11, 2020

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