
A "slackrope walker" is much like a tightrope walker except that the rope on which he performs is not pulled tight. Paul, a slackrope walker, has a rope tied to two $15\text{ m}$ high poles which are $14\text{ m}$ apart. When he is standing on the rope $5\text{ m}$ away from one of the poles, he is $3\text{ m}$ above the ground. How long in meters is the rope?

 Mar 25, 2020

Best Answer 


See the following diagram



The slackrope walker is at "E"


We can form  two right triangles

One has a legs of (15 -3)   =  12   and 5

Then the hypotenuse  od this triangle =  sqrt [12^2 + 5^2] = sqrt (169) = 13  =  (DE)

This is part of the rope length


The other right triangle has legs of 12  and (14 - 5) = 9

The hypotenuse of this triangle is  sqrt [ 12^2 + 9^2]  =  sqrt [225]  = 15 = (BE)

This is the other part of the rope


The total length of the rope is (DE) + (BE) =    13 + 15  ≈  28 ft 


cool cool cool

 May 31, 2024

The rope is 24 m long.

 May 29, 2024
Best Answer

See the following diagram



The slackrope walker is at "E"


We can form  two right triangles

One has a legs of (15 -3)   =  12   and 5

Then the hypotenuse  od this triangle =  sqrt [12^2 + 5^2] = sqrt (169) = 13  =  (DE)

This is part of the rope length


The other right triangle has legs of 12  and (14 - 5) = 9

The hypotenuse of this triangle is  sqrt [ 12^2 + 9^2]  =  sqrt [225]  = 15 = (BE)

This is the other part of the rope


The total length of the rope is (DE) + (BE) =    13 + 15  ≈  28 ft 


cool cool cool

CPhill May 31, 2024

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