
A club has 24 male and 24 female members.  The club is choosing a committee of 44 members.  The committee must have 24 male and 20 female members.  How many different committees can be choosen?

 Jan 8, 2020

Best Answer 


How many ways can you choose 20 females out of a pool of 24 ?     24 c 20 = 10626

                                                    24 males out of a pool of   24 ?      24 c 24 = 1       (duh !)




10626 ways   

 Jan 8, 2020
Best Answer

How many ways can you choose 20 females out of a pool of 24 ?     24 c 20 = 10626

                                                    24 males out of a pool of   24 ?      24 c 24 = 1       (duh !)




10626 ways   

ElectricPavlov Jan 8, 2020

Ignore the statement "the club is choosing a committee of 44 members"


We already have "24 male and 20 female members"


Since we have 24 male members in the club, we only need to worry about female members.



So how many ways can we choose 20 out of 24?

24!/(4!)(20!) = 10626

 Jan 9, 2020

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