
 Determine if the following lengths form a right triangle 11 cm, 60 cm, 61 cm. Make sure the work is accurate as well.


Determine if the following lengths form a right triangle 20 m, 40 m, 30 m. Make sure the work is accurate as well.


A triangular sandbox has side lengths 37 ft, 21 ft and 28 ft. What should the length of the hypotenuse be in order for the sandbox to form a right triangle?


 The converse of the Pythagorean Theorem can help determine whether real-world triangles are ___ triangles.

 Apr 15, 2021

Pythagorean theorem   for RIGHT triangles     a^2 + b^2  = c^2     where a and b are the legs (they are the two shorter lengths) and c is the hypotenuse ( the longest measurement)

     11^2 + 60^2   = 61 ^2   ????     If so, it is a right triangle    .....what do you think? 


do the same with the others.....

 Apr 15, 2021

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