
hhelp meeee

 Mar 15, 2022

The quadratic formula is :


\(x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}\)               b^2 - 4ac is the discriminant 



IF discriminant = 0       =====>  only one root (double root)

 IF discriminat < 0               only imaginary roots

   IF discriminat > 0           two roots

 Mar 15, 2022

i need the full answers

Guest Mar 15, 2022

YOU need to work out the ' full answers '


I'll do example one....you do the rest


a = 7    b = - 9    c = 0

 discriminant    b^2 - 4ac =        

                       (-9)^2 - 4 (7)(0) =   81     this is > 0    there will be two solutions



Now , if you cannot do the others, you are in a math class which is above your level of understanding/knowlwedge and you need some remedial work ...or studying of your class materials. 

   We are not her to "GIVE" you ANSWERS for the most part....just here to HELP YOU learn the math methods to do it yourself .   ~EP

ElectricPavlov  Mar 15, 2022

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