There are 2 different ways to use fractions on this unique website's calculator
You can choose to do the following:
A (More Common Way): Use the / sign as a separation from the numerator and denominator
B (My Preferred Way): Press where it says Scientific, switch it to a Fraction calculator, then use it
This is A:
And this is B:
There are 2 different ways to use fractions on this unique website's calculator
You can choose to do the following:
A (More Common Way): Use the / sign as a separation from the numerator and denominator
B (My Preferred Way): Press where it says Scientific, switch it to a Fraction calculator, then use it
This is A:
And this is B:
at first I thought you were a jerk all this time, but it appears we have ONE thing in common
look at one of his photos
one of his tabs shows Taylor Swift
well done TR, you just impressed me
we both love Taylor Swift
wow a Galaga tab, this is what I can imagine TR like right now:
My God! How did you know I'm BatMan!?
oh shoot, I remember
on the Terms Of Services page, there was this rule:
Certain People at Certain Times might receive new tasks to get new roles when New Updates come out
appearently Mr. Masscow decided that he hated my villain side and decided to release a new update to the Forums, and appearently he made sure the most important update to the forums is to make me Batman rather than the Joker
god dang it!