
The ratio's between the number of Robert's beads and the number of Robin's beads was 1:4. Unfortunately Robert lost 1/5 of his beads. Then Robin shared 152 beads to Robert so that they had the same amount of beads. How many beads did Robin have at first?

 Jul 6, 2022

Initially....let the total number of beads between them = N


So, at first, Robert has (1/5)N and Robin has (4/5)N

When Robert loses (1/5)  of his he has  (1/5)(4/5)N =  (4/25) N

Then Robin gives him 152 so he has   (4/25)N + 152

And Robin now has (4/5)N  - 152....so....


(4/25)N + 152  =  (4/5)N - 152


(4/25)N + (4/5)N =  152 + 152


(4/25)N + (20/25)N =  304


(24/25)N = 304


N = 304 ( 25/24) =   1900


Robin had  1900 (4/5)  =    1520 beads at first


cool cool cool

 Jul 7, 2022

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