
Find a linear inequality with the following solution set. Each grid line represents one unit.
(Give your answer in "standard form"\( ax+by+c>0,or ,ax+by+c\geq0\) where $a,$ $b,$ and $c$ are integers with no common factor greater than 1.)

 Jun 6, 2019

Best Answer 


Start by finding the equation of the red line.


The red line passes through the points  (1, -2)  and  (3, 1)


slope of red line  =  \(\frac{\text{rise} }{ \text{run} }\ =\ \frac{1--2}{3-1}\ =\ \frac{3}{2}\)


Using the point  (1, -2)  and the slope  \(\frac32\) ,  the equation of the red line in point-slope form is:


y + 2  =  \(\frac32\)(x - 1)

                                 Multiply both sides of the equation by  2 .

2(y + 2)  =  3(x - 1)


2y + 4  =  3x - 3

                                 Subtract  3x  from both sides and add  3  to both sides.

-3x + 2y + 7  =  0


And the red line is dotted, so it is not included in the inequality. So the liner inequality of the graph is either


-3x + 2y + 7  >  0       or       -3x + 2y + 7  <  0


To determine which one, pick a point which we know should make the inequality true and test that point.


We know that the point  (0, 0)  should make the inequality true.


Is it true that     -3(0) + 2(0) + 7  >  0       ?  Yes, it is true that  7 > 0 .


So the linear inequality of the graph is     -3x + 2y + 7  >  0


Check: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/er1ittpt1k

 Jun 6, 2019
Best Answer

Start by finding the equation of the red line.


The red line passes through the points  (1, -2)  and  (3, 1)


slope of red line  =  \(\frac{\text{rise} }{ \text{run} }\ =\ \frac{1--2}{3-1}\ =\ \frac{3}{2}\)


Using the point  (1, -2)  and the slope  \(\frac32\) ,  the equation of the red line in point-slope form is:


y + 2  =  \(\frac32\)(x - 1)

                                 Multiply both sides of the equation by  2 .

2(y + 2)  =  3(x - 1)


2y + 4  =  3x - 3

                                 Subtract  3x  from both sides and add  3  to both sides.

-3x + 2y + 7  =  0


And the red line is dotted, so it is not included in the inequality. So the liner inequality of the graph is either


-3x + 2y + 7  >  0       or       -3x + 2y + 7  <  0


To determine which one, pick a point which we know should make the inequality true and test that point.


We know that the point  (0, 0)  should make the inequality true.


Is it true that     -3(0) + 2(0) + 7  >  0       ?  Yes, it is true that  7 > 0 .


So the linear inequality of the graph is     -3x + 2y + 7  >  0


Check: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/er1ittpt1k

hectictar Jun 6, 2019

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