
What is the area of this shape?


A to B = 15 cm

C = 2.5 cm

D = 2 cm

E = 2.5 cm

F = 3.5 cm

G = 3 cm


I'm not even sure if this is possible, I think it is with trigonometry though..

Note: Don't feel like you have to solve this and/or explain how you did it, I just wanted to see if anyone could actually solve this.

 Jun 12, 2014

Best Answer 


I'd assumed that the lengths given were the lengths of the vertical lines. What needs clarifying is whether or not the vertical lines are equally spaced, that is, 15/6 cm apart. Even then the area will depend on the actual shape of the boundary curve. Replacing all bits of boundary curve by straight lines (as suggested by Alan) would enable you to get an approximate value.

 Jun 13, 2014

You would need to know the shape of the curvy boundary.  If it were acceptable to approximate this by a series of straight lines you would still need to know the lengths of the vertical lines at each letter.

 Jun 13, 2014

Oh yeah, that would make sence.

Is this meaning you would need to know the angle of line A-C for example?

Or just what a strait line measurement from A-C would be?

 Jun 13, 2014
Best Answer

I'd assumed that the lengths given were the lengths of the vertical lines. What needs clarifying is whether or not the vertical lines are equally spaced, that is, 15/6 cm apart. Even then the area will depend on the actual shape of the boundary curve. Replacing all bits of boundary curve by straight lines (as suggested by Alan) would enable you to get an approximate value.

Bertie Jun 13, 2014

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