
Here the answer is .. a - 3 values 



But if he asks about cosine the answer will be 2 values ! 


right ! ? 

 Jul 31, 2014

Best Answer 


sin (2Θ) =0   .....I'll use "Θ" instead of "x"........it's arbitrary, anyway......

The sine is 0 at 0, pi and 2pi. So, since we have 2Θ, we need to divide each of these by 2 and we get 0, pi/2 and pi.

Note that, the next value where the sine = 0 would be at 3pi. And dividing this by 2, we get 3pi/2.

And the next value where sine = 0  would be at 4pi. And dividing this by 2, we get 2pi. And we're out of values.

So, there are 5 values of x in [0, 2pi] that satisfy this question.....here's a graph of sin(2Θ) on the requested interval...

This makes sense, because the "2Θ" "compresses" the normal period. Thus, in 2pi, there are two periods, instead of one.


 Jul 31, 2014
Best Answer

sin (2Θ) =0   .....I'll use "Θ" instead of "x"........it's arbitrary, anyway......

The sine is 0 at 0, pi and 2pi. So, since we have 2Θ, we need to divide each of these by 2 and we get 0, pi/2 and pi.

Note that, the next value where the sine = 0 would be at 3pi. And dividing this by 2, we get 3pi/2.

And the next value where sine = 0  would be at 4pi. And dividing this by 2, we get 2pi. And we're out of values.

So, there are 5 values of x in [0, 2pi] that satisfy this question.....here's a graph of sin(2Θ) on the requested interval...

This makes sense, because the "2Θ" "compresses" the normal period. Thus, in 2pi, there are two periods, instead of one.


CPhill Jul 31, 2014

Thanx  CPhill Now its very clear  !! 

 Jul 31, 2014

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