
Hi everyone, i would like to ask a question about encrytpions streight.

It's been a pretty long time i'm "trying" (really hard but nothing worth the time so far*)to work on a math project i made up that no matter how stupid or worthless may seem to be i always believed it must be pretty useful in so many ways...
Yet in the other side... i really don't know much about math (totally not enough for sure  ) but i can't give up on this, not now... since it already took me about 14 years just to figgerout the bases of what i was looking for, and now i'm stuck and over my limits, but i still don't know if it's gonna be enough for what peoples expect... meaning that if it's gonna be good enough for the people :/

So i thought that maybe an independent thought on your calculation... (i'm already a mess :P )

This encryption because of the way that it has to work will be (minimally) used as: one unit equal to 2.5 bytes, and the minimal possible combination of it it's equal to (32!^4)*20!  (just copy-paste that on the calculator) and it is 66.466304816293425 bytes for each combination to write (or calculate in this case)
So it goes prety much like ((32!^4)*20!)*66.466304816293425 and that's gonna be how many bytes the computers would have to check to breake a single code of 2.5 byes for each 2.5 bytes...

So what i wanted to know is how long would it take for a super powerfull computer to break one code of 2.5 bytes and please show the computers stats so i can have a better view on what i maight need to do some extra work to.

I'm really sorry for the long question but i really wanted to be as clear as possible, it's my lifetime projct and this is just one of the small start-steps to where i'm heading to :)

Thank you for your patience and have a great time :)

 Sep 11, 2014

Best Answer 


I don't know where this number: ((32!^4)*20!)*66.466304816293425, comes from (and why bother with all those decimal places!) but even if a computer could manage 20! calculations a second the 32!^4 is so large it would take more than the lifetime of the Universe!

 Sep 11, 2014
Best Answer

I don't know where this number: ((32!^4)*20!)*66.466304816293425, comes from (and why bother with all those decimal places!) but even if a computer could manage 20! calculations a second the 32!^4 is so large it would take more than the lifetime of the Universe!

Alan Sep 11, 2014

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