yes it is a Fibonacci Sequence and it have 10 from 0-9 if you cont 0123456789=10. 1+1+2+3+5+8+13+21+34+55 = 143
Um this forum is to help you learn you are acting as if you know the sequence and are just testing peoples nolige
We are supposed to post a Math question you dont know and one of the Awsome moderators or users will answer your question
and they will show step by step to learn the process
Nothing to be rude about but when the guest sorry guest I dont know your name
answered with (Fiboacci Sequence)
You went like this
(yes it is a Fibonacci Sequence and it have 10 from 0-9 if you cont 0123456789=10. 1+1+2+3+5+8+13+21+34+55 = 143)
I look if it was right and said if it was. I giving a? then tell if it right