
A keen horserace gambler places $30 on Omen Bet in the first race at Hanging Rock and the rest of his money on Hot Feet. Omen Bet tosses his jockey near the home turn, but Hot Feet wins easily and the gambler doubles the money he had bet on her. The next race, the gambler puts $30 on the Favourite and the rest of his money on Lucky Horseshoe. The Favourite is nipped on the line by Lucky Horseshoe, and the gambler finds he has tripled the money he had placed on the colt. In the third race, he puts $30 on Wish Me Luck and the rest of  his money on Bred for Speed. Bred for Speed lives up to her name and swamps the rest of the field. The gambler quadruples the money he had on her and finds that he now has $240 in his pocket. How much money did he start with? Thank you.

 Jan 1, 2017

Call the original amount    $30 + x....and x is the amount bet on Hot Feet


After the first race  he has  $2x  =  twice what he bet on Hot Feet


In the second race......he bets $30 on the Favorite   and [ 2x − 30]  on Lucky Horseshoe


And after the second race he has $[2x  − 30] *3   = $[6x  −  90]


In the 3rd race he bets $30  on  Wish Me Luck and $ [ 6x −  90 ] − 30   = $[ 6x − 120]  on  Bred for Speed


And after the last race he has


4 *  [ 6x − 120]   = 240


24x  −  480   = 240


24x  = 720


x  = $30


So.......the original amount  =  $30 + x  =  $30  + $30  =  $60




cool cool cool

 Jan 1, 2017

Thank you very much CPhill.

 Jan 1, 2017

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