If these are decibels and it is the original signal, S, that is 20 times smaller, then we would have either:
(1) -50 = 10log(S), so x = 10log(S/20) = 10log(S) - 10log(20) = -50 - 13 = -63db if the signal is an amplitude, or
(2) -50 = 20log(S), so x = 20log(S/20) = 20log(S) - 20log(20) = -50 - 26 = - 76db if the signal is a power
However, it isn't clear to me from the question if it is this interpretation or Melody's that is wanted!
If these are decibels and it is the original signal, S, that is 20 times smaller, then we would have either:
(1) -50 = 10log(S), so x = 10log(S/20) = 10log(S) - 10log(20) = -50 - 13 = -63db if the signal is an amplitude, or
(2) -50 = 20log(S), so x = 20log(S/20) = 20log(S) - 20log(20) = -50 - 26 = - 76db if the signal is a power
However, it isn't clear to me from the question if it is this interpretation or Melody's that is wanted!