
how do i get more points? please help.

 Jun 11, 2014

Best Answer 


i dont know how u can become a moderator but i know that if u behave nicely, be polite and pay as much attention to the person who is answering u and be good and give them point if u are happy with the answer , then people will think u are a nice person and so they will give u points ! these are the things which will help u gaining points !  so "all the best" and i hope u gain lots of points ! 

 Jun 11, 2014

Well you could keep posting questions and thumbing them up like your doing now OR you can do it the fair way and answer other peoples questions

 Jun 11, 2014

wich 1 gets the most points?

 Jun 11, 2014

When you answer a question, people have to option to give you a thumbs up,(giving you 1 point for normal users & 3 points for moderators) or a thumbs down (-1 points for normal users and -3 points for moderators)

So in short, answer questions with good answers, and that will get you points.

 Jun 11, 2014

how do i become a moderator?

 Jun 11, 2014
Best Answer

i dont know how u can become a moderator but i know that if u behave nicely, be polite and pay as much attention to the person who is answering u and be good and give them point if u are happy with the answer , then people will think u are a nice person and so they will give u points ! these are the things which will help u gaining points !  so "all the best" and i hope u gain lots of points ! 

rosala Jun 11, 2014

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