Don't pay any attention to the little strokes on the left - I just couldn't get it to format correctly without them.
1463|ˉ9ˉ2ˉ0$63goesinto92justonce$′63↓1∗63=63′290_92−63=29$andbringdownthe0$′25263 goes into 290 4 times and 4*63=252′ˉ3ˉ8290−252=38$Theremainderis36$
The answer is 14 remainder 38 or 143863
Don't pay any attention to the little strokes on the left - I just couldn't get it to format correctly without them.
1463|ˉ9ˉ2ˉ0$63goesinto92justonce$′63↓1∗63=63′290_92−63=29$andbringdownthe0$′25263 goes into 290 4 times and 4*63=252′ˉ3ˉ8290−252=38$Theremainderis36$
The answer is 14 remainder 38 or 143863