
How do you convert -51.38 into a fraction in simplest form?!

And how do you do the same thing but with 1.04 repeating??

 Jan 29, 2015

Best Answer 


The answer is very useful, but the method is the important part:


We start with -51.38

This is the same as -51 38/100 because decimals are in powers of ten, and the hundreths digit is out of 100.

Now all we have to is simplify the fraction part: 38/100 ÷ 2/2 = 19/50.

And there we have our answer: -51 19/50


The next number is 1.0404...

To convert it to a fraction, first we have to find the part repeating, which is 04.

Next we put that over as many nines as there are digits, so: 04/99

Since that can't be simplified any more, we have our answer: 1 4/99

 Feb 3, 2015

Please answer ASAP!!!! I really need the answer!!!!

 Jan 29, 2015

-51 19/50 is the answer

 Jan 29, 2015

OMG TYSM!!!!! 

 Jan 29, 2015
Best Answer

The answer is very useful, but the method is the important part:


We start with -51.38

This is the same as -51 38/100 because decimals are in powers of ten, and the hundreths digit is out of 100.

Now all we have to is simplify the fraction part: 38/100 ÷ 2/2 = 19/50.

And there we have our answer: -51 19/50


The next number is 1.0404...

To convert it to a fraction, first we have to find the part repeating, which is 04.

Next we put that over as many nines as there are digits, so: 04/99

Since that can't be simplified any more, we have our answer: 1 4/99

Mathematician Feb 3, 2015

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