how do you find a percentage decrease . for example 1500. a reduction of 40%
This can be done two different ways:
First way: find 40% of 1500 (which is 600) and then subtract this value from 1500 (1500 - 600 = 900).
Second way: find the percent that remains after the reduction (100% - 40% = 60% --> this means that 60% will remain) --> find this amount: 60% or 1500 = 900.
This can be done two different ways:
First way: find 40% of 1500 (which is 600) and then subtract this value from 1500 (1500 - 600 = 900).
Second way: find the percent that remains after the reduction (100% - 40% = 60% --> this means that 60% will remain) --> find this amount: 60% or 1500 = 900.